
Hey, thanks for visiting MyPassionstoProfit.com. This site was started t help others turn their passion (whatever it is) into a profit. Writing is one of my passions and I love the idea of sharing information with people that can help enhance their life. The internet is so amazing, that anyone can learn to turn their passion into a thriving online business. Yes, that means you ass well.

I like to keep things simple, no drama. It’s my hope that the information I share here with you will not only expose you to new opportunities, but also inspire, motivate, and challenge you to think differently concerning certain aspects of life.  Sometimes we’re so caught up in doing things the traditional way, that it’s hard to think outside of the box and do things differently.

Think Outside The Box

For example, if your mindset is go to College then find a job, that’s the traditional way  of think I’m referring to. But quite a number of people are realizing that they can earn extra cash working from home. You can do surveys and data entry and all that jazz to make extra money from home. But that’s really just beer money when you think about it. Surveys can be frustrating to say the least and data entry limits your income.

Me, I started thinking outside of the box. I preferred the work at home opportunity that allows me to literally stay at home and make money. Know what I mean? I want build my own dreams as opposed to building someone else’s. I’ve always wanted to have my own business,so I am using my passion to build myself a thriving online business.

That being said, I like the idea of sharing work at home opportunities with others, that would allow them to turn their passion into a profit. If you’re one of those individuals and you want to learn how to turn your passion into a thriving online business, the click on the #Find Out More!

“If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.” ― Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

What’s your dream? Have you been building your dream or someone else’s?

work at home business ideas

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Vanessa –

    This is a great site. You have so much useful information here. I’m sure that anyone stopping by will find something to help them in some way. I like the quote from Tony Gaskins Jr, also. It’s pretty motivational all on its own, when you stop to think about it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. 🙂

    • Hi Maria
      Thanks for the visit. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience with my visitors. My hope is to always provide as much helpful information as possible. I think Tony had a point, if you don’t take the time to build your own dream, then definitely you’d be helping to build someone else’s.

      When you think about it, that’s really what the majority of us do. That’s why I started my own work at home business, so that I can continue to build my own dream and help others do that as well by sharing my knowledge and experience.


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