Cash Forex Group Review: I’ve Tried That!

Hi and welcome to my Cash Forex Group Review. If you are looking for legitimate and valuable information about the Cash Forex Group, also referred to as Cash FX Group, then check this out. In this review, I share my first hand experience with the Cash Forex Group hands off income earning opportunity.

Maybe you’ve seen other reviews out there about Cash Forex Group. In some reviews, Cash Forex Group is referred to as a MLM pyramid scheme and a scam. However, having tried it, I honestly still don’t know if it is a pyramid scheme.

But let me just say that I was skeptical about trying it.

I went in at the lowest level, which is $300 (US) and that $300 doubled to $600. It took some months to get there, but then again, I did not have to do anything for my investment to double.

All I did was make the investment. I did not refer anyone to Cash Forex Group. There is no need for you to refer anyone to Cash FX to make money. But that’s an option you can utilize if you want to make more money. So here are the details about Cash Forex Group, based on my experience.

See Also

Cash Forex Group Review


  • Review: Cash Forex Group, Cash FX Group, Cash FX
  • Founder: Huascar Lopez
  • Physical location: Panama
  • Website:
  • Premise: Earn via hands off forex trading
  • Minimum Investment: $300 U.S.

Verdict: You can make money but it’s a risk.

What is Cash Forex Group

Cash Forex Group provides a hands off, income earning opportunity for anyone. They make earning from forex easier, as they earn on your behalf using artificial intelligence (AI) and their own proprietary technology to trade forex. You can also learn to trade for yourself.

How to Join Cash FX Group

One thing to note is that you cannot join Cash Forex Group directly from their website. You have to be referred by someone. It’s a simple sign up process. However, to meet with the anti-money laundering global requirements, you now have to submit specific identifying information and documents, during the sign up process.

As a result, you now have to provide:

  • Proof of identification
  • Biometric facial recognition
  • Verification of your address

For Company Accounts (outside USA & Canada), the following is required:

  • Memorandum and Articles Association
  • Proof of Identification and Address for all of registered Shareholders, Beneficial Owners and Directors.
  • Proof of address relating to the company.

How Cash FX Group Works

Investment packages range from 300, 500, 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, 20K, 30K, 50K and 100K.

However, to make an investment, you have to use bitcoin. You also need to cater for bitcoin transfer fees, which is minimal. But more on that a bit later.

Once the transaction is completed, 30% of your investment is used to reward the person who referred you as well as other fees (broker, admin, others…). You receive weekly commissions on the remaining $210.

At that level, commissions can range anywhere between $8 to $13 per week. An email notification is sent to you each week letting you know that you’ve earned a commission and the amount.

Weekly commissions from Cash Forex Group
Commissions from CashFX

You can withdraw your commissions at any time or you can leave it. As the investment grows, you can upgrade or you can just let it get to twice the amount of your initial investment.

Once your investment doubles, you stop receiving any commissions on it. So at that point, you won’t get an email notifications about commissions. If Cash Forex Group paid you any commissions after your investment has doubled, they’ll take it back. LOL. It’s $300 to upgrade or $600 and not a penny more!

A 20% withdrawal fee is applied to any withdrawal you make and your funds are transferred to your blockchain bitcoin wallet. So you need to set up one of those (a bitcoin wallet) if you don’t already have one.

How to Make More Money with Cash FX

Apart from investing and earning commissions on your investment, there are two (2) other ways you can earn money with Cash Forex Group. You can:

  1. Refer the opportunity to others, and
  2. Trade for yourself

So you’ve got three avenues to make money with Cash FX. Cash Forex Group provides the marketing materials, as well as the training you need, if you want to become an Acetrader and earn more.

I am not really interested in learning about how bips and candlesticks work, so I am not even remotely interested in learning how to trade in Forex.

However, if you are interested in using artificial intelligence to make money with Forex, then check out Manifest. My sister uses it. She has this bot trading for her and she has had a pretty good experience thus far.

Cash Forex Group Compensation Plan

In terms of compensation, Cash Forex Group has a multi-level compensation plan. There are lots of rewards, perhaps that’s why some reviewers refer to it as an MLM pyramid scheme. Hey, I don’t know. Like I said above, I have not referred anyone to Cash FX. I simply earn interest on my investment.

What I do know is that there are quite a number of legitimate companies with multi-level compensation plans. Melaluca, Amway, Nu Skin Enterprises, Mary Kay, Avon and a host of others. However, to make money with these companies, you have to buy and sell their products.

More: What is an MLM about and should you join?

A business acquaintance tried to get me involved in Melaluca. Well, I bought the products because I thought they were good. But as far as earning with that opportunity, I got a migraine, every time I thought about having to talk to leads (people who might be interested). That is so… not my thing.

Needless to say, that was short lived. I moved on to bigger and better! Making money with your own website is way better! You should try it.

Now some reviews suggest that you have to refer others to Cash Forex Group to make money. However, as stated above, you do not need to refer anyone to Cash FX to make money. You can do that to make more money, but it is not a requirement.

Anyway, here are three (3) important things you also need to know about Cash Forex Group.

3 Things You Need To Know about Cash FX Group

1. Earnings are not guaranteed

Well this goes for any opportunity really. However, forex trading is risky overall and you can often easily lose any money you might invest, especially if you don’t know what you are doing. Check out Cash FX’s disclaimer below.

Disclaimer: “Earnings may vary depending on the degree of effort employed. No earnings are guaranteed, and a User is not guaranteed to reach a certain reward level. Past results are not guarantees of future results”.

2. The risk is yours!

Cash Forex Group is unregulated, so the risk is yours if you invest.

Regulatory bodies in NorwayThe United KingdomThe BahamasPanama and five Canadian regulators have issued a warning on Cash FX Group or placed them on their investor caution list.

However, when it comes to forex trading, you also have brokers who are unregulated. But most often people neglect to go over the fine print when they are getting into opportunities, online or otherwise.

In the CFX terms and conditions, it clearly states the following:

Governmental Claims. A User shall not state, suggest, or imply that the CFX Reward Plan or its service(s), product(s) or business opportunities are approved by any state Attorney General, federal, or state government authority or agency, or any other third party.

CFX Terms and Conditions

So clearly, they are letting you know up front, what’s what.

3. CFX Investment is made via bitcoin

To make an investment with Cash Forex Group you have to use bitcoin. While bitcoin is pegged to the US dollar, the value of bitcoin fluctuates. That means your investment could be worth more or less, depending on the value of bitcoin at the time you are buying bitcoin or reaping the rewards of your investment.

I did not withdraw any commissions, I just left it. The commissions were small amounts so I did not bother to withdraw anything. Of course a larger investment would have made a difference.

My account got to a little over $600 and Cash FX took back any extra commissions they paid me. After the 20% withdrawal fee, I ended up with $480. When that was transferred to my blockchain bitcoin wallet, it was worth a little more than $506. That’s because the price of bitcoin was worth around $60,000 at the time.

Let’s do the math. An investment of $300 netted me $506 in less than a year. Not bad right? Which bank will pay you that kind of interest on such a small investment? Come on now, I think we both know the answer to that question. LOL!

So that was my Cash Forex Group experience. No referrals, no trading, just a simple investment of $300. Of course some people are making larger investments and using their rewards to pay off their debts. However, for me, affiliate marketing is more my interest.

In case you missed it:

Is Cash Forex Group Legit?

So is Cash Forex Group legit? Hey, I can only go from my experience and I had a good experience. In all honesty, I looked forward to getting those commission emails every Saturday. I did not have to refer anyone to make money and I did not have to learn how to trade.

If this is something that you want to try, I would suggest that you keep in mind those three (3) important points raised above, in addition to the following below.

Rule of thumb for any investment: only invest what you can afford to lose.

Also keep in mind that there are advantages and disadvantages to using bitcoin. While anyone can access bitcoin and make an investment and earn some money, the disadvantage is that bitcoin fluctuates. That fluctuation can impact the value of your investment. For example, an initial investment of $300.00 can be worth $200 or $400. It all depends on the value of the bitcoin.

Well, when you think about it, fluctuations in general can impact any investment. But the objective here is to make money, not to lose it.

Consider my experience for a moment. What if bitcoin was worth half the price; $30,000 as opposed to $60,000. My investment would have been worth half the value; $253 as opposed to $506. Translation? I would have made a loss. But calculating the entire lost I would also have to factor in the price at which I bought bitcoin initially.

The whole bitcoin thing is good and bad. Like I said, it has its advantages and disadvantages.

On the bright side, some people have made millions with bitcoin. But that’s because they were willing to hold on to it, despite the fluctuations in value.

Cash Forex Group Review – Wrap up

So that’s my two cents on this whole Cash Forex Group review.

After all is said and done, if you are looking for a Cash Forex Group alternative, then feel free to check out my recommendation. But do so only if you are willing to put in the effort and learn how to earn from multiple streams of income online.

You can also get yourself a done for you website, to start making money online quicker.

So hey, that’s all from me on this Cash Forex Group review. Let me know what you think about all of this. Drop me a line in the comment section.

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