Human Proof Designs Review: I’d Spend My Last Dollars on It!

The Human Proof Designs Reviews, show that it’s absolutely worth it! When you check out this Human Proof Designs Review, you’ll see why I’d spend my last dollars on it. But one major reason is the fact that it freakin’ works!!

If you are tired of surveys or tired of your 9 to 5, or you are trying to find that right work at home opportunity, then this is it!

Now I have no idea if you’ve ever tried making money online. But a great way to do that is to have your own affiliate marketing website.

So, if you have been looking for the right online opportunity to make money from home, then it’s worth your while to check out this Human Proof Designs review! You won’t regret it!

Now if you want to skip this Human Proof Designs review and go straight to their website then by all means, click here. But if you want to get some more details before you head on over there, then stay tuned. We’ll tell you everything you need to know. 

Human Proof Designs Review

Okay, so in all fairness, you most likely haven’t heard much about Human Proof Designs or HPD as it’s fondly referred to. But if you are looking to make money from home, then HPD is a great place to get started. Truth be told, if I was now getting started online, I’d do this in a heartbeat.

However, I got started FREE online with Wealthy Affiliate. It’s also a great online opportunity to learn how to start making money from home. But HPD has a few more options to do that.

What is Human Proof Designs (HPD)?

HPD was founded by Dom Wells but Bryan Brewer is now CEO. Dom also used to be at Wealthy Affiliate, but now he is focusing on It totally compliments HPD, but that’s a different article altogether.

Admittedly, Human Proof Designs sounds like something scientific right? Human Proof Designs… It sounds like they’re designing ergonomics or something.

However, Human Proof Designs has absolutely nothing to do with science. But they’ve got creating profitable affiliate marketing websites down to a science. Don’t doubt it!

Human Proof Designs

HPD is all about designing affiliate marketing websites that make money for their clients. Sweet! Their goal is to make starting an affiliate marketing niche website easier and profitable. Profitable being the key word. Need we say more?

Okay, so think about this for a minute. Your job is merely one source of income right? However, you can have multiple income streams with your own affiliate marketing website. You can make money with Amazon, Google Adsense, Clickbank, and a host of other sources.

So instead of having just one income, you can have income coming from multiple sources. If that isn’t reason enough to do this, then I don’t know what is. What can you do with an extra $3,000-$5,000/month? Anything!

But then again, maybe you love your job and you’re not crazy about the idea of earning money from home. Hey, I don’t know your situation.

The Human Proof Designs Reviews

Forget about surveys and those get-paid-to sites that frustrate you to no end. If you’ve been searching for that right work at home opportunity this is it! Their customers love it, so of course they get repeat purchases.

It’s a great way to get started online, especially if you are a beginner or you want to focus on earning money quicker. Throughout this Human Proof Design review, you’ll see what actual HPD customers are saying about it. We’ll even tell you about the guy who gave up too soon and missed out big time.

So Who is This for?

Anyone who is interested in making money from home. When we say anyone, we mean anyone. It matters not what part of the world you reside, you can do this!

If you’ve never tried affiliate marketing before, this is for you. If you’ve tried affiliate marketing before and it wasn’t that successful, this is for you! Maybe you are looking to expand your online business the easy way, then this is for you too.

Check out the Human Proof Design review from an actual customer in the snap shot below.

Human Proof Designs customer review

So this is not just for the newbie affiliate marketer but they’ve got something for the experienced marketer as well. For example, if you are tired of creating content for your website, then check out Human Proof Designs for article packs than rank!

You can also access other website services from HPD as well, such as keyword packs and SEO services.

How to Get started with HPD

Well, at Human Proof Designs, you’ve got several options you can access to have your own profitable affiliate marketing website. So if you are ready to make money online, then this is where you should start. HPD getting started options are as follows:

  1. There is the D-I-Y approach
  2. The Done-for-You option
  3. You can buy an aged website; one that’s already making money
  4. Get yourself a custom built website

So let’s dissect each approach a bit.

1. D-I-Y approach

The do it yourself (D-I-Y) approach is not a bad option. But you’ll have to spend some time learning how to do things. However, if you are too busy to do that, then the done-for-you option is really your better alternative. 

If however, you want to do it yourself, you can get started at HPD for just $7.00. That will get you a 14-day trial. Now you can also get started online free. Click here to see how you can do that.

2. The Done-for-You option

I love the done-for-you option, since you skip the hassles like having to choose a theme for your website and all that jazz. Listen, if you are new to affiliate marketing, choosing a theme can sometimes be like analysis paralysis. I kid you not. Especially when you have over thousands of free themes to choose from.

Then there is the site set up and creating content for your website. Using HPD’s done-for-you option, means you can skip all of that. Skipping all of that means you can save yourself that time and focus on getting your website ready to earn money. 

With the done-for-you option, you’ll get an affiliate marketing website with content already created. All the preliminary work is done for you, so you focus on making your website profitable.

Human Proof Design Success Story

3. Buy Yourself an Aged Website

Now if you are in a rush to start making money, then an aged website is your best option. These aged websites are sites that are already making money. So all you need to do is swap the affiliate links and you are good to go! This is even sweeter but of course it will cost you more. But you’ll recover your investment even quicker!

Features of HPD’s Revenue Generating Websites include:

  • Premium theme
  • All the necessary plugins
  • A website with Anywhere from 10,000 to 100,000+ words.
  • Social media setup pack
  • eBook lead magnet
  • You’ll get a site that’s already generating income and a plan to grow it!

Getting yourself a website that’s already GENERATING REVENUE, means you are taking the risk out of making money online. But that’s not all, since these sites come with everything you need.

Start Your Online Business Now!

It’s a proven business model. These websites are already ranking for buyer keywords so you have the absolutely best foundation for getting started online. Added to that, you can add other forms of revenue on top of what the site is already generating. This is a win-win situation!

“What kills most people’s enthusiasm right from the start, is not being able to see results quickly enough. If you can start in a situation where your site is ready to skyrocket, you’ll be able to build and maintain momentum so much more effectively.”

Ian Pribyl (

4. Get a Custom Made Website

You can also get a custom made website as well. Just let the folks at HPD know what you want and they’ll get it done for you. This is also a great option. It comes in handy too if you have a business and need a website for it.

For example, if you have a plumbing business and you need a website for it, then this is a great way to get that done. Or maybe you want to start your own accounting website services. This option works for anyone, really.

Summary of Available HPD Sites

  • Ready Made Niche Sites
  • Custom Made Niche Sites
  • Aged Sites (already ranking and ready to make money)
  • Revenue Generating Starter Sites (websites that are already generating income)
  • Supreme Sites (more content, extra videos and more)
  • Authority Sites (Multiple monetization opportunities)
  • Dropshipping Sites
  • Local Lead Gen Sites
Start Your Online Business Now!

What You Get with HPD

Alright, let’s get to some more good stuff. At Human Proof Designs you’ll actually learn first hand how to make your own affiliate marketing website profitable. Just to give you a bit more insight, here’s some of what you will get with Human Proof Designs:

  • Monthly training
  • A proven system to success
  • 30+ hours of video training
  • Latest findings, tips and advice
  • Coaching and Community
  • Members only discounts on services

The members only discounts come in handy. You can get discounts on content creation and much more. So if at some point you want to take a break from creating content on your website or you don’t want to create content at all, then this service comes in handy.

Human Proof Designs Training Modules

Now, at no time are you doing this on your own even if you get yourself a done-for-you website. The folks at HPD ensure that you get the right training and support you need to make your website successful.

Training Modules include:

  1. How To Use The course
  2. Understanding Affiliate Marketing
  3. Niche Selection
  4. Keyword – Basics
  5. Keywords – Advanced
  6. Setting Up Your Website
  7. Creating Affiliate Content
  8. On-Page SEO
  9. Off-Page SEO
  10. Advanced Backlinks
  11. Outsourcing
  12. Email Marketing
  13. Paid Traffic
  14. Growing The Site
  15. Bonus #1 – Amazon Associates Training
  16. Bonus #2 – Clickbank Training
  17. And much more…

It sounds like a lot. But they are making sure their clients get what they need. Remember HPD’s focus is to make starting an affiliate marketing niche website easier and profitable. And they’ve been doing this for a while, so they know hat you need.

Human Proof Designs customer review

Everything you need for results!

Each Module follows a logical order but you can jump around if you want to solve a particular issue. The Modules are based on everything you need to learn to get results and HPD gives you a step-by-step path that you can easily follow to get from point A to point B.

Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

  • How to Rank In Google
  • Turn Clicks Into Commissions
  • How to get your audience back
  • Scaling Your Site

Three things stand out here: training, coaching, and support. Those are the three ingredients anyone needs to get started making money online. And at HPD you’ve got all three and much more!

Needless to say, Human Proof Designs will give you everything you need to make your affiliate marketing website profitable and then some. All you need to do is take action!

Having The Right Mindset

One thing you need to keep in mind is that your mindset plays a huge part in your success. Well, what do you know, they’ve got a Module in that too! So you are covered.

Here’s a short story that demonstrates just how important your mindset is, when it comes to doing something like this. There was this guy who bought one of HPD’s affiliate websites. But he was so impatient. Well, long story short. Dom bought back the site, made it profitable, then sold it for $10,000! That guy missed out big time!

That’s another reason I’d spend my last dollars on a Human Proof Designs affiliate website. The possible returns on selling a profitable website.

Another Human Proof Design review

What you also need to keep in mind is that you need to think of this as your business. So think. What would you do to make your business a success? What does any successful business person do?

They get the word out there. That means promotion to the right audience and there are several ways in which you can do that. The more you promote your website, the more money you make.

“Having an expert help you get start on your journey can turbo-charge the learning process AND get you closer to profit than starting from scratch yourself.”

Justin Cooke (Empire Flippers)

But Wait, There’s More!

Just to give you a little bit more in this Human Proof Designs Review. Check this out. As lucrative as affiliate marketing is, some people just aren’t into it. Some prefer having an online store. If that’s you, then HPD will do that for you too! No way you say? Way! 

So if you want to do ecommerce or drop shipping instead of affiliate marketing, HPD will get you started the right way as well. Think of getting yourself a complete online store. Man, just thinking about it gets me excited! LOL.

Now I don’t know how you feel about all of this. But here’s a few other reasons why I’d spend my last dollars a Human Proof Designs affiliate marketing website. Well as I mentioned before, these websites freaking’ work.

But here’s the kicker. If you decide at some point that you want to sell your website, HPD will sell it for you! So you don’t need to stress yourself over selling your website if you want to. It’s a win-win situation!

Listen, you might not know this, but you can sell your website for at least 10 times what it’s worth. Now what bank is paying you that kind of interest on any of your investments? NONE! In addition to which, that’s way more than your initial investment.


We hope that this Human Proof Designs review has been insightful.

At Human Proof Designs you get a quality website, comprehensive training as well as ongoing support. Here’s our recommendation. If you don’t have the time, or you want to avoid the hassles, then go with the done-for-you option.

Understandably, Some people like to learn stuff from scratch. If that’s you, then take the D-I-Y approach. However, one advantage of having a done-for-you website is that you’ll have the opportunity to focus on making money quicker. If you want a custom made website just let them know what you want.

We can tell you way more in the Human Proof Designs review, but it’s way better for you to experience it for yourself. One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that there is no limit as to the amount of money you can make. That’s one reason why, Human Proof Designs is worth it!

52 thoughts on “Human Proof Designs Review: I’d Spend My Last Dollars on It!”

  1. Oh nice, HPD! I bought a custom HPD website a month ago and it should be done this week. So far the staff (especially Slav and Bernice) have been really helpful throughout the process of researching and building my custom niche (Amazon) affiliate site. Human Proof Designs has a lot of value to offer. I bought a custom KGR keyword pack for my other website as well (coincidentally my Wealthy Affiliate site!). To anyone reading my comment I wanted to ask if you bought an HPD site and if so how has it been going for you? Thanks!

    • When it comes to creating great affiliate marketing niche sites, the folks at Human Proof Designs have got it down to a science! As you stated, they do all the research and they create fantastic looking websites on premium themes. The keyword pack is a great buy too, especially when you don’t want to be creating content yourself for your website on a regular basis. So, like you, if you’ve already got a website, you can utilize the other services that HPD offers.

  2. HPD is a nice platform of making passive income. Not only custom-made website but also comprehensive training is prepared for you. What a great backup of creating wealthy pipe. In order to have awesome passive income, long-term thinking is necessary. If you sell your stuff like website or stocks immediately, you can earn a lot of money indeed. However, while waiting for a long time and sell it, you will obtain more. I appreciate that there is an obvious reminder of long-term mindset.

    • Some people have a get rich quick mindset when it comes to making money online. However, one of the key things in getting success online is having the right mindset. In addition to that, you have to do the necessary tasks in order to make it successful. Whether it’s Wealthy Affiliate or Human Proof Designs or some other opportunity, you definitely need to put in the right effort to make it work.

  3. I’ve listened to their podcast before, but never actually thought to check out their course until just now. So glad that I stumbled on this Human Proof Design Review as it covers everything I wanted to know about the course… and some! The ongoing support sounds like one of the best features and that is so important, especially when you are now getting started online.

    Thanks again

    • Hey Mike
      You’re most welcome. Human Proof Designs has great training as well as support, which as you pointed out is really important. No one likes the idea of help and support being unavailable when they need it the most. So that’s crucial to any training program. HPD is all about helping their clients succeed online s they’ve got your back and then some!

  4. Hello there thanks for this awesome article I have heard a lot about human proof design although I heard bad news I have also heard good news most people say it’s like wealthy affiliate although I haven’t checked them out, but I would take advantage of this black Friday deal and try them out.

    • Hey Nelson
      It is like Wealthy Affiliate but they’ve got a few extra strategies as well. As with anything some people have nothing better to do than complain about something when they don’t get the results they are after. The thing is, if other people are having success with HPD, then it makes you wonder what the complainers are doing. Probably nothing much but expecting the best results. If you don’t treat your online opportunity like a business then what can you really expect in return? People who are successful in business have a totally different mindset that people who are not, and that makes a huge difference. You should definitely take advantage of the Black Friday Sale for sure!

  5. Hello Vanessa!

    An interesting review about a method to make money online. I did not know about the possibility to buy an aged site (which was originally built by somebody else). There are so many programs offering us the possibility to earn from affiliate marketing (HPD is one) that we may feel overwhelmed and not know what to choose :).

    Human Proof Designs offers a lot of things to learn before starting to have success via Affiliate Programs. As for myself, I am already following the Wealthy Affiliate way and my website belongs rather to a mix between D-I-Y and Done-for-You categories.

    If you have started to earn after going for HPD, then it was indeed worth spending dollars on it.

    Best regards,


    • Hey Peter
      HPD is all about creating successful affiliate marketing websites for their clients. Once you find an opportunity that works for you, then all you need to do is focus on it and do what you need to do to start earning an income from it. The done-for-you websites requires higher investment but you get to focus on making it profitable quicker. SO it all depends on you and what you think will work for you.

  6. Wow you great thanks Vanessa for this awesome article! I love black Friday deals and also I have heard about HPD although I was skeptical about it until one of my colleagues sign up and started earning cash, I didn’t sign up because the monthly payment was much. But now that they are doing a Black Friday promo I would sign up because this site is one of the best.

    • Hey David
      HPD is really cool and it works! The Black Friday deals are really great and the affiliate marketing sites, training and support are absolutely worth it! I am sure your colleague who signed up is enjoying earning that cash.

  7. I like the idea of providing several options on breaking into the online business world. Some of these options like buying and selling affiliate marketing websites are intriguing. What criteria is used to assess the purchase value of these sites? How do I find that out? Making money quickly on a Done For You website also sounds like a great option. How much does that cost? In fact, how can I find out what the cost of each one of Human Proofed Designs costs? Is there any Black Friday Sale?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    • Hi Edwin
      There are so many opportunities online that anyone can use to make money from home. Creating and selling websites is another great opportunity as some people prefer to have all the technical stuff done for them so that they can focus on making the affiliate site more successful sooner. A done for you site would cost you less than one that’s already making money. Websites that are already making money can sell for at least 10X the profit.

      So it’s a great investment, since no bank is going to pay you that kind of interest on any account. Each option has its own price tag. But it’s absolutely worth it. You can simply click on the link in the article or right here to get that information straight away.

      Yes Human Proof Designs is having a Black Friday Sale and everything is on sale, even on article packs. So if you are tired of creating content for your website, then you can get yourself some great SEO articles that would rank.

  8. I enjoyed reading this article, it’s awesome! Thanks for sharing a great idea with us. You have some really great information here. I’m trying to find lot of information. I am a newcomer. There you explain a huge part of success.I am not expert in Training Modules whee you explain everything . I think if I follow your instruction step by step, I must be success in my carrier.

    • Hi Mili
      Thank you. Good to know the information is helpful. Following any training step-by-step is important, as missing a step could alter your results. As a newbie online, it makes sense to follow what the experts suggest, since they know what works.

  9. Hi Vanessa, thank you very much for publishing a great article about (HPD) Human Proof Designs. You mention 4 options to start with HPD
    1) There is the D-I-Y approach
    2) The Done-for-You option
    3) You can buy an aged website; one that’s already making money
    4) Get yourself a custom-built website
    understood almost everything clearly, just let me know what is the full meaning of D-I-Y?

    • Hi Abul
      Thanks for reminding me that everyone may not know what D-I-Y might mean, so I’ve updated that information in the article. All it really means is do it yourself (D-I-Y). Some people like the idea of building their own website (D-I-Y), since they learn quite a bit, as opposed to having someone build it for them.

  10. Thank you so much for your review on Human Proof Design. I might give the DIY a try. I personally like to learn new techniques and do all the hard work myself so that I can use it to convert. Is there any upsells after the $7 14 days free trial?

    • Hi Nuttanee
      No, HPD is not about upsells. After your 14 day trial, you can decide if you want to go further or not. If you do and decide to proceed, then that’s like accessing more premium content, so of course there would be a cost attached to that. But the trial period is just, a trial period, then you can decide from there. You can learn quite a bit even via the 14-days trial, so you win their too.

  11. Hello Vanessa, thanks for sharing this amazing post. Building a website is not an easy thing, and making it fit and suitable to match competition in affiliate marketing would need some master touch to it.Human proof design is a great idea and i love the concept they follow. When it has to do with a done for you system, how often do you get feedback from your business if you get started with them?

    • Even when you get yourself a done-for-you site from HPD, you’re not on your own. You still have the team’s support while you are doing what you need to do to bring your website to the level of success you want. So by no means are you on your own. They are all about helping you succeed online with your affiliate marketing website.

  12. Well first I will say that the first sentence caught my attention in a bi way lol. Human Proof Designs does sound pretty scientific so I appreciate the background and summary. I was actually pretty pleased to see that it involves creating profitable affiliate marketing, since that is something I can use right now.

    So I see that there are many options according to what the clients desires are at the time. So if you have time to work on your site, this website will actually provide content for you that’s not duplicated? That’s pretty awesome. And is it only for the affiliate marketing niche websites? I’ve been pondering starting a website outside of my main one, so that could be a way to go.

    Thanks for a great review!

    • Hi Mondez and Kayla
      Human Proof Designs will create an original affiliate marketing website for you complete with original content and handed to you on a premium theme. Keep in mind that they’ve been doing this for a while, so they know what works. Getting a done-for-you site cuts down on you having to do a lot of things, especially if you want to get started online quickly. SO that’s a great advantage. Having more than one website is never a bad thing, LOL. That just means more income for you.

  13. You were right, I heard nothing about Human Proof Designs before reading your review!

    I love how you stated ‘’One thing you need to keep in mind is that your mindset plays a huge part in your success’’. I couldn’t agree with you more.

    Lucky for me, today is Black Friday! And you made me want to have my own online store too… 

    Thank you for your insightful review!

    • Hey Katja
      Mindest plays a key role in being successful online. Some people have a get rich quick mentality, and that does not work when it comes to an online business. Some people don’t seem to understand that. Anyone getting into affiliate marketing needs to think of it as a business and they need to have that business mindset to make it a success.

      I think about Elon Musk and Richard Branson. These guys do what it takes to achieve their goals and that’s the same kind of mindset anyone in business, be it online or brick-and-mortar, should have. Apart from affiliate marketing, having your own online store is pretty fantastic too and Human Proof Designs has some really great ones available at the moment.

  14. Hey! Wonderfull article! I’ve heard to their podcast once but never actually thought to check out their course. So glad that I stumbled on this HPDR as it covers everything I wanted to know about the course. Is HPD & wealthy affiliate same ? I personally love to gather knowledge about new techniques & do all the hard work myself so that I can use it to convert. Thanks for sharing this it helps me to understand HPD more!

    • Hi Irin
      Human Proof Designs and Wealthy Affiliate are the same in terms of they both offer a great affiliate marketing opportunity. But HPD offers a bit more. For example, HPD will create a done-for-you affiliate marketing website. You can also get them to create a custom made website or can get yourself an affiliate website that’s already making money.

      Wealthy affiliate offers only the do-it-yourself option, which you also have at HPD as well. In a nutshell, you’ve got a few more options to getting started online, as far as HPD goes. In addition to which, your choice can determine how quickly you make money online. For example, if you purchase an affiliate website that’s already making money, then of course to make money quicker.

  15. Hi Vanessa,

    Thanks a lot for the very thorough and comprehensive review post. I am a full-time Affiliate Marketer and Blogger working from home. I often came across some good testimonies about Human Proof Designs but I wanted to do some research and your review is a greater help for me.

    I got helpful insights from your review and your review saved my time and effort. I loved how easy the review makes it for readers and no additional research needed. You left no stone up-turned in explaining how it all works.

    After reading your review and the comments Human Proof Designs is on my list.

    • Hey Paul
      Thanks for your kind comments. You can’t go wrong having Human Proof Designs on your list of affiliate marketing opportunities. It’s a great investment and is totally worth it as far as making money from home goes.

  16. I’d like to ask about the “done-for-you” option being offered by Human Proof Design. Does that include a lead magnet and email autoresponder series? Or, just the article creation only and if you want to have a lead magnet and email series you have to create them yourself? I’ve been hearing about this HPD before and it seems like a good alternative to Inbox Blueprint being marketed by Anik Singal.

    • Hi Gomer
      What HPD does is very different to what Inbox Blueprint offers. HPD is all about creating successful affiliate websites for their customers. While they’ve got the do-it-yourself (D-I-Y) option, that’s all that Inbox Blueprint offers really; do it yourself options for making money online. HPD goes a step further, in that you can get custom made sites as well as a site that’s already making money. The done-for-you sites offers a short cut to getting started online.

      HPD also offers services that you can outsource as well if you don’t want to do them for yourself. For example, you can get article packs, eBooks (if you don’t want to write your own), PBN services and a host of other services and training. The done-for-you premium option does include an eBook lead magnet. Of course you’ll have to have your own autoresponder, but you also get in-depth training on email marketing as well.

  17. Thanks, for these great articles on human proof design, when I first heard about this platform I thought it was like other sites that scam people for money, but honestly I was wrong I did it and I never regretted doing it, it’s worth investing on they are one of the real sites out there, thanks for making more deep reviews about the sites I got to know some things I never knew now.thanks 

    • Hey Rose
      You are most welcome. I’s good to know you too that chance and made an investment with Human Proof Designs. They’ve got great options for anyone wanting to start making money from home and now they’ve expanded into creating custom made drop shipping stores as well. You just gotta love it!

  18. HPD is a great foundation of making easy revenue. Custom-made site as well as far reaching preparing is set up for you. What an incredible reinforcement of making well off pipe. So as to have wonderful automated revenue, long haul believing is fundamental. In the event that you sell your stuff like site or stocks quickly, you can gain a great deal of cash in fact. In any case, while sitting tight for quite a while and sell it, you will get more. I value that attitude can make a huge difference to reaping the related rewards.

    • Hey Arzu
      Your attitude does make a huge difference to being successful online. Some people have a get rich quick mindset so when the money isn’t coming in quick enough, the give up. Clearly some people don’t understand that what it takes to make an online opportunity work for them. Investing in a website is a great way to make money from home. Profitable websites sell for at least 10X what they make. So it’s all about thinking long term and following the expert training.

  19. This captured my attention so fast. I thought it was a food company! I didn’t know about this site before and it’s always good to expand your knowledge when it comes to your business. You said that anyone can start with this program, but what if you’re involved with another program? Can you transfer your websites?

    • Hi Stephanie
      That’s right, anyone can get started with Human Proof Designs and it does not matter that you’re involved in something else. You can actually use HPD to complement what you are doing. For example, if you want to take a break from creating content for your website, you can get SEO ready to rank content packs from HPD. They also offer other SEO services as well, that will help your website rank. You most likely can transfer your website as well. The thing is, HPD makes getting started online easier for the beginner and their done-for-you websites make expanding your already established online business easier as well.

  20. I think HPD is a very good and really lucrative, nowadays it’s always a challenge to get a business opportunity that’ll offer you as much as it does and won’t In one way or the other pained you. It’s really nice that you can choose whether to go through the steps by yourself or go with the DFY but I’ll recommend that you don’t do it yourself. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hi Andrea
      I share your sentiment. Choosing the done for you option can actually cut down about 12 months of learning. Some people actually don’t mind the D-I-Y option, as they learn more from the ground up. But doing that, means that you need to be prepared to face the fact that it will take you a bit longer in achieving the success you are after.

      I agree that the getting started options that HPD offers are pretty fantastic. Imagine getting yourself a website that’s already making money. Now that’s an opportunity for a quick recovery of your investment. Choosing the done-for-option means you can start making money quicker as opposed to taking he slow route of doing it yourself.

  21. This really is a good opportunity to make money online, it’s the first time I’m reading about Human proof designs and its mode of operation. I’m happy to hear that it is a credible platform and it has real owners, this is one thing that I make sure I confirm before doing any business online in order to be on the safe side. The procedures of getting started with HPD that you stated here are good, they will be a clear guide.

    • Hey Wildecoll
      Human Proof Designs is the real deal. Dom actually used to be at Wealthy Affiliate but now he is focusing on which offers more great services. HPD offers great training, including a detailed 6 month plan for success. Like I stated, they’ve got creating successful affiliate marketing websites down to a science.

  22. Wow I haven’t heard of HPD before but wish I had. I like the different options they give you: done for you, custom built or aged site as well as different priced plans.  Being able to actually see the website is quite impressive and makes you think, “wow that could be mine.”

    There doesn’t seem to be that many done for you Affiliate websites out there-or at least many that show you a website you can actually test drive. Showing me is better than just telling me what you can do.

    If I had known about HPD a year ago I would have already bought a custom or done for you site.  Still might.

    • Hey Les
      I hear you. Having a done-for-you custom made affiliate marketing website is a great way to get started online quicker. I think that most people might probably fee the same way you do; they wish they had this opportunity when they first started online. Having someone build you a quality site from the get go, and having the right setup and content to work with, can make a huge difference to being successful online. HPDs sites are top of the line and their customers are loving them for it.

  23. Hey Vanessa!

    Thank you so much for sharing this great article about Human Proof Designs Review.This HPD is a great platform for making  money. I love this Black Friday deal it is cool. Although there are many costs to enter this site, nevertheless I am signing up for this Black Friday offer and  good services. My colleague already does work this site, he told me about the benefits of it. 

    Thanks for sharing this article.

    • Hey Sathi
      You are most welcome! HPD is a great platform for making money. The Black Friday deal is pretty cool and the discounts are on everything they offer. I am sure your colleagues is enjoying his website. You definitely won’t have any regrets using the services of HPD.

  24. When I made my site – which doesn’t go very well, to be honest – I spent 3 days looking for a theme which actually I changed a few months after, so I think I’ll prefer the done-for-you option this time. The training I got started with was a little weak, I think, so I’m looking into finding a better one. This one seems legit, so I think I’ll give it a try. Thank you very much for the review!

    • Hi Alicia
      Sorry to hear about your experience. Sometimes there are so many free themes to choose from, it can be a challenge finding yourself the right one, especially as a beginner. Human Proof Designs is definitely legit and they are all about creating successful affiliate marketing websites for their customers and their training is designed to help you accomplish that objective. You definitely won’t regret trying it, that’s for sure.

  25. I’m glad it doesn’t have country restrictions. A lot of platforms have and since I don’t live in the USA, I don’t have access to them.

    I think the best option for me is getting an aged website. I’m not that good at writing and I don’t even want to be. I’m more into marketing and promotion.

    • Hey Kate
      I hear you. Like yourself, some people aren’t crazy about creating content for their website and may actually outsource that function, choosing to focus more on promotion and marketing. Getting an aged website is a good option as all you need to do at point is swap the affiliate links and you are good to go.

  26. Can anyone help me to contact humanproofdesigns?

    It’s been almost a month since I haven’t received my payment for the site I sold to them.

    Tried to contact them several times but they did not reply.

    This is my first time experiencing this and don’t know what to do.


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