Get Paid Online Surveys vs Affiliate Marketing: It’s No Contest

Get paid online surveys vs affiliate marketing which is better? Well, it’s no contest really. If you’ve ever tried to get paid with online surveys, whether free or paid, then you know that it can get frustrating. No to mention the fact that in most cases, if not all, you earn points per survey, as opposed to money.

If your thing is earning points to trade for Amazon gift cards and those sort of things. Then hey, knock yourself out. However, if you are looking to earn money online to replace your day job, then paid online surveys definitely won’t get you there.

Here’s what most people don’t get. Survey sites might make and pay out a lot of money, but that’s only because lots of people join. It does not mean that the people who sign up are making hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a regular basis. Rather, it means that these survey sites pay lots of people a small amount of money.

How surveys work

So here’s the thing. To make money with surveys, you need to receive and complete them on a regular basis. Good luck with that happening. Even when you receive surveys, how many points do you get rewarded with?

money made with get paid online surveys versus affiliate marketing

Admittedly getting paid for your opinion sounds like a good deal. However, when you think about how surveys are designed to work, and the time you spend doing these paid online surveys vs the rewards, it just isn’t worth it. Well at least to me, it’s not. I’m not sure how you feel about it. You probably like the idea of making points to exchange for gift cards etc.

But there are much better ways to make money from home and affiliate marketing is just one of those ways. Making money with surveys depends on your demographics. Added to that, you can be disqualified mid-survey.

More: 11 Crucial facts no one tells you about online surveys

When that happens, in most cases you don’t get any points. That means you just wasted maybe about thirty to forty-five minutes on a survey you have nothing to gain from. Seriously?!

Come on now, you’re smarter than that and your time is worth way more than chump change that’s for sure. Now you probably understand why there are so many complaints about surveys.

Get Paid Online Surveys vs Affiliate Marketing

It’s not contest! Completing a survey takes time. To spend all that time completing one survey and be rewarded with chump change, just isn’t worth it. If beer money is what you are after, then hey, knock yourself out. But you are better off investing your time doing something that’s worth your time and effort in the long run.

If you’ve never entertain the idea of using affiliate marketing to make money from the comfort of your home, then you’re missing out.

With affiliate marketing you can easily create multiple sources of income. That means you can make as much money as you want to with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing Income reports

While it’s nice to be paid for sharing your opinion with paid online surveys, you won’t be making any kind of money that would bring you financial freedom. However you can do that with affiliate marketing because you can make recurring income.

Hey, if you want to keep trading points for gift cards and such, that’s your choice. But if you are looking to make serious money online, then paid online surveys are not the way to do that.

So you choose. Would you prefer chump change vs multiple sources of income? That’s why there’s no contest when it comes to get paid online surveys vs affiliate marketing. Points vs multiple sources of income? It’s actually an unfair and lopsided one really.

What is Affiliate Marketing About?

Hopefully you’ve heard about affiliate marketing. But just in case you haven’t, here’s a short blurb on it. Affiliate marketing is all about you making commissions when people purchase something from your website.

How affiliate marketing works
How affiliate marketing works

For example, if you had an Amazon affiliate website and someone made a purchase from Amazon via your website, you earn a commission. It really is that simple. The thing is, you can be an affiliate with multiple companies. In other words you can determine the amount of money you make as an affiliate marketer.

Just in case you are wondering, affiliate marketing is not hard to learn and anyone can do it. When I first got started I had no idea affiliate marketing even existed. I had never heard about it before. But I’ve got to say, it’s my favorite way to make money online. Not just me, but a bunch of other people as well.

Income comparison with get paid online surveys vs affiliate marketing

See, now this is why there is no contest between get paid online surveys vs affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you earn cash. You can use that money to do whatever you want; pay bills, increase your savings, pay off your debts, whatever.

Unlike get paid online surveys, affiliate marketing does not dictate how you use the money you earn. Rather, it’s all about financial and geographic freedom.

When you think about it, earning points for gift cards, and the like, pales in comparison to the kind of money you can make with affiliate marketing.

Two Great Options to Get Started

All you need is the right opportunity to get started with affiliate marketing. Now it does not matter who you are, anyone can do get into affiliate marketing.

I’ve got two great options you can use to do just that.

  1. You can get started free with Wealthy Affiliate and learn from the ground up. That’s where I got started.
  2. If however, you want to fast track your success, then get your hands on a done-for-you Amazon affiliate website.

Done-for-you Amazon affiliate websites are a great way to get started online quickly. It will cost you a bit more to get started, but the investment is absolutely worth it!

Save yourself the time and effort

If you want to save yourself the time, researching, writing content and building out your website, then a done-for-you website puts you on the fast track to success. We recommend Human Proof Designs(HPD) if that’s the way you want to go.

HPD customer review
HPD Customer Review

Both options are designed with beginners in mind, so it matters not if you have no experience with affiliate marketing. Even if you are an experienced affiliate marketer, these choices are no-brainers really. The focus is to help you get started earning an income online.

Quality and comprehensive step-by-step training as well as on-going support are just a few of the things you’ll encounter with anyone of these affiliate marketing platforms.

So what’s the difference between these two opportunities?

Well, the difference is, HPD will get you started with your own website that comes with keyword rich content already created for you. That means you get online quicker, saving yourself some time. If you want someone to build you a quality website, so you can start making money quicker, then HPD is the way to go.

If you want to learn how to do it all yourself, then Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go.

Summary: Get Paid Online Surveys vs Affiliate Marketing

Hey, listen. Stop frustrating yourself with surveys! If you are serious about making money from home, then you need to stop wasting your time with free or paid online surveys. Affiliate marketing is not rocket science. Anyone can do it, but you must be willing to put in the effort to make it work for you.

You are much better off making money with your own website, as opposed to making points in exchange for rewards. Use your time more wisely. Grab one of the opportunities below and put yourself on the path to financial freedom today!


14 thoughts on “Get Paid Online Surveys vs Affiliate Marketing: It’s No Contest”

  1. I cannot help but laugh out when I checked out this comparisons here. It is truly not a matter of comparison at all because affiliate marketing is just way above survey wen it comes to mans of generating meaningful income online. I especially see surveys as waste of time because the earning potentials are just way too below the standards while affiliate marketing, if well done prove to be a better means of earning on the internet.

    • Hey Rodarick
      LOL. Surveys really are a waste of time. I think the people who run the websites make money than those who take the time to share their opinions. Maybe some people just don’t know that there are better opportunities they can use to make money form home and affiliate marketing is one of such opportunity and a very lucrative one at that.

  2. Truly, the two platforms are legit means of making money online but that does not qualify them to be on the same level of analysis. Affiliate marketing is not just an easy task for just anyone to attempt. It requires more and the tendency of making  a lot of money is there. Though surveys pay too but i’d rather go home with a paycheck of 10,000 than that of 200 dollars from survey. Thanks

    • Yep. Paid online surveys are legitimate but to me, it’s not an opportunity that’s worth the time and effort. While affiliate marketing is not for the person who is looking to get rich quick, the financial benefits far outweigh that of online surveys for sure. Earning reward points in exchange for gift cards and what not, certainly won’t bring financial freedom to anyone.

  3. This is the best article about affiliate marketing I’ve read on internet so far! My taste of article 🙂 It is not too long but hits the essence of it. Especially liked comparison between WA and HPD, highlighting benefits of both platforms. To be honest, I’ve never heard of HPD so far, although I’ve started with affiliate marketing. Thanks to your post I will check that one, too, asap.
    Thank you for sharing such a valuable information.

    • Hi Vesna
      You are most welcome. Human Proof designs (HPD) is a great place to get started with affiliate marketing as well. You get a done-for-you affiliate marketing website as well as training needed to make it a success. It’s a great platform for anyone looking to make money from home with affiliate marketing. It caters to both beginners as well as experienced marketers and it’s a great time saver if you want to get started online quickly.

  4. This is a really nice and interesting topic to discuss, I’ve seen people compare different sort of online businesses to Affiliate marketing but it’s really a fact that just few or very minute number of business online can actually beat it. I’ve been into affiliate marketing for a while and I know how lucrative it can be compared to some other businesses I’ve tried before like survey that is the object of comparison. This comparison is so clear and just, Affiliate marketing has it. Thanks.

    • You hit the nail on the head! Affiliate marketing is extremely lucrative and what I love about it is that you can determine how much money you make. No one can do that with any survey. Affiliate marketing is a great way for anyone interested in making a substantial income from home and it will also provide the opportunity to kick that 9 to 5 to the curb!

  5. Comparing this two is just like comparing the speed of a cheetah to that of a goat, it’s very clear and glaring. Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable businesses that we have online and even in this review, it’s been justified that it does have a greater tendency of profit making than Survey. I’d love to recommend it and also Wealthy affiliate is the best place for those who would like to get quality training about affiliate marketing. 

    • Lol. The great thing about affiliate marketing is the fact that you can determine your own level of income. That beats having a job that limits you to just one source of income. Paid online surveys is more about making beer money or extra change for gift cards and such. I have to agree that Wealthy Affiliate is a great place to get started. But for the person who might be interested in making money quicker and not interested in doing it all themselves, then Human Proof Designs is a great place to do exactly that!

  6. I am SO glad you posted this!! I have to be honest and say I have been trying to get make money through online survey taking since I was just out of high school. I have wasted countless hours just to make 50 cents and then had nothing to show for it. 

    I recently began learning to affiliate marketing and creating content online and the decision to choose affiliate marking was a no brainer. It is definitely a lot harder, but I have SO much to show for it. I have actually created something that I enjoy and I am writing content I can look back on for years to come. 

    Thanks for sharing! Trying to get paid for surveys is a WASTE OF TIME! 🙂 

    • Hi Kara
      It’s hard spending all that time just to make chump change. That’s one reason why I never really had an interest in doing online surveys. I can definitely appreciate your feelings about affiliate marketing. In time to come, even the content you’ve written on today will still be making you money in time to come. Now that’s pretty great if you ask me. As opposed to the survey being a one time reward, your affiliate marketing website will keep rewarding you financially, over and over again.

  7. Working from home has generated lots of different ideas about how to successfully do it.  If taking surveys is anything like trying to fill out a “quality of service report” after getting your oil changed in your car, I fear they are a bit tedious and unrewarding.  The way the whole thing is described in your report, I wonder who really does the survey thing?  

    However, I am sure there are successful people in these fields as well.  

    So you think to be an affiliate marketer is the better choice?  Are there lots of choices?  Does it cost anything to be an affiliate?

    • The thing about completing surveys for money is that getting a survey is based on your demographics. If your particulars do not fit the criteria these survey companies are looking for, then it’s highly unlikely you’ll get a survey, let alone enough surveys to make any real money within a particular period of time. Affiliate marketing on the other hand, is a great opportunity for anyone who might be looking for a real work at home opportunity that would bring financial and geographic freedom. There are actually lots of affiliate marketing opportunities available. It’s actually free to get started with Wealthy Affiliate, which is one of the best training platforms for anyone. But if you want quicker results, then Human Proof Designs is highly recommended. They’ve got great training as well.


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