In this EarningStation review we’ll give you all the details you need to make an informed decision as to whether you should access these kind of opportunities or not. Admittedly, at first glance EarningStation sounds like a cool opportunity to sign up for to earn income in your spare time.
However, after reading this EarningStation review, you just might change your mind. With EarningStation, your earnings just may come to a standstill. So if you are looking to make any kind of money to replace your full time income, this is NOT it!
Ever played monopoly? If you have, then you most likely remember that there’s a card that says “Go Directly to Go and Collect $200. Most of us would have loved collecting that card for sure! So, I’ve got a personal monopoly card for you.
Now you can continue reading the rest of this EarningStation review or you can go directly to a great opportunity to learn how to make serious money online. Just click on the link below.
What is EarningStation?
Located at, EarningStation, is a website that is part of a digital marketing company that brings advertisers and consumers together. Like Swagbucks, EarningStation is one of those Get-Paid-To websites that you can earn rewards via completing activities.
By providing this service, it indirectly provides an opportunity for companies to have more information about their products and services, so that they can better serve their customers.
Founded in 2011 by Matt Hynes, EarningStation was acquired by Critical Mix in 2014. It runs as a brand of Massfinity, which Critical Mix also owns. Matt is still in the picture, as he runs Massfinity.
How To Make Money With EarningStation?
Okay, now if you know anything about “Get-Paid-To” sites, well EarningStation is one of those. You know, you get paid to do stuff on the website. That could be anything like take a survey, try out products and services, watch short videos, shopping, etc.
If you’re familiar with sites like Swagbucks, CashCrate, Maximiles, and the like, it’s the same sort of set up. When you complete the various activities, with EarningStation, you to earn Station Dollars (SD).
How Much Money Can Be Made with EarningStation?
Well none actually. While quite a few members earned well over $100/week with EarningStation, it’s now closed! So no one is able to earn or redeem rewards. That sucks right?! Could you imagine having earned station dollars and now you can’t redeem them?

You now have nothing to show for all that time you spent completing surveys or watching videos and doing all the other activities to earn gift cards and other rewards.
Well, you can always check out Opinion Outpost if surveys are your thing. But there are better ways to make money from home. Even so, I am really not surprised that EarningStation closed it’s doors.
Read: Get Paid Online Surveys vs Affiliate Marketing: It’s No Contest
EarningStaion was totally legitimate. Not to mention it was a pretty good way to bring advertisers and consumers together. However, most likely users were probably discontented with the the rate of earning and redeeming rewards. Check out the complaints and areas of concerns below.
EarningStation Review: Complaints
At a glance, paid online surveys look like a cool opportunity to make some extra cash from home. But there are crucial facts about surveys that most people don’t really know. Hence the reason why there are so many complaints overall. So check out some of the complaints about EarningStation.
Slow and/or boring videos
There have been complaints that the videos load way too slow and that they are boring. Most likely this was way more time consuming than it was worth.
Surveys not guaranteed
If you are familiar with completing surveys online, then you know that getting a survey depends on your demographics. That means your age, geographic location, gender, etc., all work together to determine whether or not you get a survey.
Additionally, based on those demographics, you can easily be disqualified from a survey. Your answers, as well as your income could play a role ass well.
Understandably, it would have downright frustrating, if almost every time you try to complete a survey, somewhere along the line you got disqualified.
Areas of Concern
Points forfeiture
That’s exactly what it sounds like. If you did not maintain a level of activity when you signed up, or you did not participate within a 90-day period, the whatever points you did earn would have been lost!
Expiration of Station Dollars
If you did not redeem your virtual currency within a year, they would have expired! So all that time and effort you invested earning those station dollars (SDs), just came to a big fat zilch, zero, nada…. Now keep in mind that you need to have a certain amount of SDs to redeem as well. It’s the perpetual hamster wheel, if you ask me.
The Cost of Free Offers
Let’s just say that when it comes to surveys, often times those free offers ain’t exactly free. When free offers come that require your credit card information, that’s a red flag. Hey, free is free, why the heck do you need my credit card information? Well there’s a reason for that.
If you signed up for a free subscription of some kind, it’s only free for so long. If you forget to cancel that free subscription, then guess what. You are now a paying customer. Now that is so not cool.
Given the complaints and areas of concern, I am not surprised that EarningStationhas closed it’s doors. Perhaps there may have been other reasons for that happening. But these complaints most likely did not help either.
Looking to Earn a Full-time Income?
So after reading this EarningStation review, it’s clear that you can’t earn a dime with it. If you’re looking for a work at home opportunity to help you quit your day job, this kind of opportunity is NOT it. Let’s face it. Gift cards and digital rewards can only go so far. It will get you some trinkets, but it’s not going to help you make a lifestyle change.
If financial freedom is what you are looking for, the you definitely need to check out my Top Free Work At Home Recommendation. It’s a great option to help you become successful online and it’s an opportunity to earn multiple streams of income.
I’ve said my piece, the final decision is always yours. As always, thanks for reading and I’d love to hear from you so drop me a line in the comment section.